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Automobile Reseller App

Automobile Reseller App in just USD 144

AppsMarche Automobile Reseller app is an inventory approach for automobile resellers to sell the used Truck, car and bike to capture/retain the customers who interested to buy or sell their vehicle. By using this inventory application an automobile reseller can provide services such as category search, Filter list of automobile according to budget, detail description with 5+ images of each automobile, contact service by phone or Skype and many more.
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User Manual

Admin Web Dashboard

AppsMarche Automobile Reseller is a fully customized, faster, easier and light weighted App which is manageable through the analytical dashboard by you. Using analytical dashboard app you can update your mobile app instantly. Apps bazar creates a best possible automobile Reseller app solution which stands out it from the millions.

Web Application Image

Advanced database management system

All changes will be visible to the user on time in their mobile app.

Media Utility

The admin can add photos, videos and promotional banner as per requirement.

Admin Control Panel

Admin can update automobile stock, handle inquiries and publish mews and special offers.

Mobile App For User

AppsMarche Automobile Reseller App facilitates admin to show all used automobiles easily on iPhone as well as on Android mobile device in just single click from anywhere.


Quick access

Requires almost 2second to show contacts and vehicle stock.

Weightless App

This app requires low storage capacity, requires less permission and resources to run.

Quick promotion

The consumer will get all promotional offers on their mobile app in real time.

MobileApp Screenshots

These screenshot are showing the rich interface of our Automobile Reseller App